Bloggers its been long time i have not done blogging and for that i really apologized for not posting too many posts in blog. Apart of it let's switch to new post regarding windows 10.
This post is for windows 10 users and luckily i am one of them , so kindly have a look to this post only if you are from that club.
Every time Microsoft releases a new version of Windows, its servers get slammed. To help alleviate this burden, Windows 10 can download updates from other users' computers. The problem is, it can use up your bandwidth and data caps to do so. Here's how to turn it off.
This new distribution method works a lot like torrents do. Everyone has Windows 10 on their machine, so each person seeds a little bit of the files to those who need it, distributing the load across multiple computers and helping everyone download updates quickly. This is a great feature for those who have no data cap and want fast updates. The problem is, many ISPs have some form of data cap. This can potentially use up your allotment of data without you even realizing it's happened. To turn it off, follow these steps:
  1. Search for "Check for updates" in the Start menu.
  2. Under "Windows Update" choose "Advanced options."
  3. Under "Choose how updates are installed" click "Choose how updates are delivered."
  4. Disable the toggle under "Updated from more than one place."
This will prevent your computer from being used as a peer-to-peer server in distributing updates. Of course, the downside is that it also prevents you from receiving updates from other users, so you're stuck with the possibly slower Microsoft servers. Whenever the next update rolls around, it may be worth turning this back on. Just watch your data usage when you do.

via lifehacker

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