Are you good at searching, do you know how to use Google? Being able to search anything effectively so that you reach to an appropriate result while searching for something in your favorite search engine, is an art. You need to polish this regularly, and probably this is the reason Google has come up with a unique concept, a Trivia Game. Google recently launched ‘a Google a day’ which is a puzzle game, everyday a new puzzle appears on the homepage, an all you need to do is, use Google search to find the answer to it.

Improve on your Searching skills with a Google a Day Puzzle

For example, the following puzzle appeared on ‘a Google a day’ on April 11, 2011 –

“Two future presidents signed me. Two didn’t because they were abroad. Despite my importance, modern viewers seem to think I have a glaring spelling error. What is it?”
And when you click on the ‘Show Answer’ option, this is what it shows –

“Two future presidents signed me. Two didn’t because they were abroad. Despite my importance, modern viewers seem to think I have a glaring spelling error. What is it?”

Sounds interesting, isn’t it? I am sure if somebody really wants to master his/her search skills, this is the place to be, moreover, you don’t only learn to search but probably you will also learn to what we can say decipher the search results. We all know that at the end, results found on the SERP (search engine result page) are appearing through a machine process, no humans involved, so, if you keep polishing your skills using the ‘a Google a day’ you can probably learn to bridge the gap, i.e. you learn to understand the results delivered by the Google.
If you are willing to improve your General Knowledge and the search skills both at the same time, make it a point to visit ‘a Google a day’ (if you are wondering how come the General Knowledge can be improved, have a look at the today’s puzzle, which will tell you that Iceland is the country which has twice as many sheep as people).

You can follow ‘a Google a day’ on Facebook and Twitter as well, so that the puzzles keep knocking at your door on a daily basis, also like any other webpage of current times, there is an option to share the puzzle with your friends via Facebook, Twitter, Email, etc.
Visit ‘a Google a day’

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