Android's recent report on mobile malware released by Juniper networks revealed some startling figures. The report suggested a 400 per cent rise in malware on the popular Android platform. Google’s Android platform has earned itself quite a reputation since its inception and this is no news. What began as an app store with roughly about 50,000 apps now houses a good 200,000 apps. However, the platform is now being deemed as the biggest distribution point for malware across the mobile platform.

Over the past few months, Android users have been victims of threats ranging from various levels of intensity. What began first as a threat tool for desktop users has now furthered onto the mobile users. Keeping this view in mind, a host of anti-virus applications have been released in a last ditch, but less than satisfactory efforts to stabilize the situation. One instance would be the attacks that a malicious app called DroidDream began doing rounds. Although Google did intervene but most of the damage had been done already.

However, it now remains to be seen how well Google empowers its popular Android.

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